Family Meditation

Power Retrieval – Calling Your Power Back To You

There is a true story that goes like this. There was a girl born to a teenage mother who grew up very poor. Before she turned 18, she had already been physically and sexually abused by family members and had given birth to a premature baby who died. Yet, despite all this trauma and abuse, this girl went on to become an extremely successful woman. Her name is Oprah Winfrey.

How did someone like Oprah Winfrey beat the odds? My mom and I used to watch her talk show when I was growing up and the one thing I always remembered my mom saying is, “That Oprah Winfrey. She’s so lucky!” As a child, you think nothing of this comment. However, over the years, I’ve often thought about Oprah and people like her and wonder, is it all luck that brought them to where they are though? I understand that there is definitely plenty of hard work thrown in there. But I know a lot of people who work hard and have yet to generate any kind of success, let alone the astronomical kind that Oprah has shown.

So what differentiates successful people who have beaten the odds from the average person? The one answer I have come to is power. When I say power, I’m not talking about the kind of power one culminates after they’ve seen success. I am referring to the power that is inherent within all of us.

You see, everything is energy. Power is no exception. As Spirit choosing to incarnate in a physical body, there is a divine power residing within every single one of us that is a reflection of the Source we came from. This power often is seen in the form of our life energy.

So how do we know if we have lost all or maybe even just some of our power? When we spend our days and energy on activities that bring us no joy, we slowly separate ourselves from this power. When we say yes to things we want to say no to and say no to things we want to say yes to, we give our power away. When we let others dictate the kind of life we want to live, we let someone else use our power to have power over us. When we allow trauma to dictate the entirety of our lives, fear, instead of power, permeates our lives. Human experience, when it is not serving our highest good, just like what Oprah Winfrey went through, can often diminish the power we were born with.

In order to be our most authentic selves, we must call our power back to us. The way to do this is to first declare to the Universe that we are retrieving the power we have lost:

I call all my power back to me in order to serve my highest good.

When you begin to see the areas in your life that causes you pain, use this as the fuel and energy you need to call your power back to you.

I call all my power back to me in order to serve my highest good.

When your loved ones hurt or abandon you, turn the tears that flow into the movement that brings your power back to you.

I call all my power back to me in order to serve my highest good.

When the unknown mysteries of life causes you fear, use this as the magnet to attract your power back to you, in order to face whatever challenges that may come, head on.

I call all my power back to me in order to serve my highest good.

What we must never forget, as Oprah Winfrey realized in her adulthood, is that we are indeed powerful. When we are not using our power, letting it go unconsciously, someone else is using it and not necessarily for our benefit. Take it back, at every moment you can, of everyday and use it to serve your highest good.

Use that power to do something you have always wanted to do. Retrieve your power and express your soul’s deepest longings. When your life is bringing you joy, your power is working for you.

I call all my power back to me in order to serve my highest good.

Your heart and Spirit will thank you for it.

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