Category: Thoughts
I have been rolling around the concept of the “third space” in my mind. If you aren’t familiar with this recently much bandied about sociocultural word, the third space essentially denotes a communal place that is separate from your home (first space) and your workplace (second space). But the definition …
I’m working on a project that really brings into focus the “death of the mid-level attention span.” Meaning that, these days, we either want things short and quick or completely immersive and draws us in time and time again. There’s no in-between. And I’m not quite certain what to make …
I have affirmations that I look at and read every single day. It occurred to me that I didn’t really have statements written down that serve as guideposts for me as a homeschooling parent as well as a lifelong learner. I realized that needed to change. This is what I …
I came across this tweet that was mentioned by Dense Discovery’s newsletter and it literally stopped me in my tracks. It’s obviously an oversimplified version of what our society has evolved or, some might say, devolved into. I read this and felt hurt by it. I think this is because …
I was reading one of my favorite newsletters, one that I actually still receive in the snail-mail and sit down on my kitchen table to read with a cup of tea. It’s an excellent newsletter written by Dan Louzonis, a brilliant homeschool dad and founder of The Einstein Blueprint. Many …
I stumbled on to Nathaniel Russell and his fake fliers work which I thought was absolutely brilliant. They are funny, thought-provoking, and a ruffian commentary on the state of our society. Nevertheless, they are a creative way of looking at things. I am trying to dedicate starting my Saturdays out …