Family Meditation

Sunlight through Sunflowers

John Muir reflects in his book, My First Summer in Sierra,” “Beauty beyond thought everywhere, beneath, above, made and being made forever. I gazed and gazed and longed and admired until the dusty sheep and packs were far out of sight, made hurried notes and a sketch, though there was …
Family Homeschool

The Constant Gardeners

Dear Aleksander and Gavin, Today, you are starting 4th and 2nd grade. But in reality, I want you to look at this new school year as another way to download information. Yes, I know that formal education is a painfully slow way of downloading knowledge, but it is a necessary …
Family Travel

Chasing The Lions Gate Portal

When the Earth, our Sun, and the star Sirius align at specific points in the heavens, it activates what is called The Lions Gate Portal. Positive vibrational energy abounds during the opening of the Lions Gate Portal, so we decided we had to absorb as much of this energy as …

Confessions Of A Memory Keeper

And I was born. Or so I have been told. I am not one hundred percent certain this actually happened. I can only rely on a piece of paper stating that before that certain date on that piece of paper, I was nowhere and nothing. Birth photos had not yet …